The Buddy "L" Toy Museum
consistently paying 55%-85%
than antique dealers ebay &
private collectors. Contact us
with your old Buddy L Trucks
& vintage pressed steel toys
or sale. Highest Prices Paid
Highest Prices Paid ! Antique
Sturditoy Toy Trucks 1930
Sturditoy Police Patrol Truck
& 1928 Sturditoy Ambulance
Also Wanted: Sturditoy Water
Tower Red Sturditoy Pumper
large Sturditoy Fire Truck old
Sturditoy Dump Truck,1923-3
2 large Buddy L Toys and old
Buddy L Trains regardless of
condition Paying up to $3000
for antique Sturditoy Wrecker
1920s Sturditoy Dump Truck
Sturditoy U. S. Mail Truck
E-Mail photos of all your vintage
Buddy L and Sturditoy trucks for
sale. Your toy is important to us
Big Sturditoy dump truck wanted
If you'd like to view vintage Sturditoy or Buddy L trucks visit the Buddy L Museum photo galleries. This site has been created
for the enjoyment of Buddy L collectors and for whom without their generous support the Buddy L Museum could not exist All
toys displayed are non restored orig original examples including the rare 1928 Sturditoy Sprinkler truck and our most recently
line of toys Write us with a description of your Buddy L or Sturditoy trucks for sale Click through our pages to view all Sturditoy
models including the huge 1932 Sturditoy Water Tower truck as well as many other large original prewar Struditoy Toy Trucks
Buddy L Toy Museum always paying 50%-85% more than antique dealers private collectors and ebay. E-mail your pictures to or if you have any questions about your early Buddy L Toys or Sturditoy trucks feel free to contact
us Presently paying up to five thousand dollars for a large Sprinkler truck Buddy L Toy Museum always paying 50%-85% more
than antique dealers private collectors & ebay. Email your pictures Buddy L Jr dump truck or Sturditoy water tower truck and we
will respond back within 24 hours. 1925 Buddy L Dump Truck with working dump bed wanted. Buddy L Trains with track needed
Buddy L Cars all sizes wooden or steel wanted. Coal Truck, Fire Truck, Water Tower Truck and all Sturditoy models 1924-1934
wanted for our spring / winter exhibit. Also buying Kingsbury toys, Kingsbury cars, and Kingsbury trucks. Paying immediate $$$
Paying up to $4000 for any antique Sturditoy truck in mint condition specializing in vintage Sturditoy and old
Buddy L Trucks 1921 -1938 For more information regarding appraisals contact us through our user web form or email address
Buddy L Museum dedicated to the preservation of antique Buddy L Trucks for almost half a century. We're always in need of
good original toys so if you're considering selling your Buddy L trains or antique Sturditoy trucks please contact us immediately
Rare Buddy L aerial ladder truck or 210 Buddy L flivver wanted for immediate purchase. Email us with all your old Buddy L toys
Page Links
Vintage Space
.Toys Wanted
Antique Sturditoy
. Trucks Wanted
© 2004 Buddy L
Free Toy Appraisals
Free Toy Appraisals
3 sturditoy truck appraisals online. 5 antique appraisals for sturditoy trucks and
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Antique sturditoy truck with buddy l toy appraisals
Free Antique Toy Appraisals Know the facts before selling your Sturditoy or Buddy L Toys. Buddy "L" Museum paying 55%-85%
more than antique dealers, private collectors & ebay. Sturditoy trucks wanted Buddy L Toy Museum paying highest prices in the
country Free appraisals. Antique Sturditoy U S Mail Truck, Vintage Sturditoy Red Armored Truck. Buying Sturditoy any condition
Free antique toy appraisals Buddy L, Keystone, Sturditoy, Steelcraft, Viintage Space Toys, Japanese Tin Robots. E-Mail photos
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Visit sturditoy
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© 2020 Buddy L Museum
Sturditoy Trucks Value Guide
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