Free Toy Appraisals Highest Prices Paid Buddy L Museum paying 45%-85% more than antique dealers, eBay &
toys shows. Buying Buddy L Trucks, Cast Iron Toys, Tin Toys, Sturditoy Trucks and all vintage pressed steel
toys manufactured 1910-1949. Contact us with your Arcade and Hubley cast iron toys regardless of condition
1930 Sturditoy U S Mail Truck Wanted Any Condition 1928 Sturditoy Police Truck Buying vintage space toys
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We are America's largest buyers of vintage Buddy L Toys, antique Buddy L Trucks and prewar Sturditoy catalogs and trucks.
Always interested in Buddy L Trains and tin toys in good original condition. Buying single Buddy L Toys or entire collections
Your Buddy L dump truck or Sturditoy Ambulance could be worth a small fortune, for more details contact the Buddy L Toy
Museum web user form above. Specializing in Hubley toys and Buddy L trucks for more than half a century Presently paying
up to thirty four hundred dollars for any Buddy L ice truck or Buddy L coal truck with original accessories. Contact us today
Wanted for immediate purchase, tree green Buddy L railway express truck, prewar Buddy L Dump truck and all Buddy L Toys manufactured before 1939.
your old Buddy L trucks or antique toy cars contact us first. Always paying 45%-80% more than antique dealers and eBay. We're also the world's largest
buyer of vintage cast iron toys as well as Japanese tin toys. Do you have an antique Steelcraft toy truck with workding dump bed? Blue Keystone toy bus
with handle through the roof? If so contact us for a free confidential appraisal. Antique Buddy L Trucks and vintage Buddy L trains needed for our newly
constructed Buddy L exhibit hall. Contact us for more information. Early Keystone toy dump truck or prewar Sturditoy dump truck needed regardless of
condition. Mechanical working Buddy L trains with original decals needed. Visit the Buddy L Museum photo galleries to see all your favorite Buddy L toys
including the magnificent Buddy L coal truck with dual rear tires and nickel plated headlights. We are world's leading buyer of Buddy L Toys as well as all
prewar Sturditoy trucks and catalogs. Buddy L Museum helping collectors selling pressed steel toys since 1968 All inquires kept confidential regardless of
subject matter Buddy L Toy Museum the world's most trusted name in pressed steel toys including Sturditoy ~ Keystone ~ Steelcraft ~ Buddy L ~ Stucto
Information regarding Sturditoy trucks has been limited by the absence original Sturditoy catalogs and lost Sturditoy company archives. If you're
thinking of selling your Sturditoy brochure or vintage Sturditoy truck contact us for a free confidential evaluation The Buddy L Museum has been
assisting Sturditoy collectors identifying newly discovered Sturditoy trucks and old Sturditoy catalogs for almost fifty years. We are the world's
number one buyer of all Sturditoy related material. If you need information or advice regarding a Sturditoy company related matter email us and
we'll respond within twenty four hours Presently paying up to $8000 for any Sturditoy police patrol truck in mint condition.
Do you have a Sturditoy dump truck or Hubley toy truck for sale? We are America's oldest and largest buyer of pressed steel and cast iron toys
Page Links
Sturditoy trucks for sale contact us for a free price quote Buddy L Museum consistently pays 55%-95% more for Buddy L
toys and Buddy L trains than anybody in the country. Never try and clean your Buddy L Trains or Buddy L Trucks yourself,
you could end up causing permanent damage to the paint or decals Many new additions have been added to the Buddy L toy
Museum gallery We recently acquired a rare 1932 Buddy L fire truck with electric lights and working pump Two more toys
added are the 1928 Buddy L steam shovel on treads along with a 1936 Buddy L Coal truck with lights & dual rubber wheels
Sturditoy Buddy L Toys
Antique Sturditoy Truck Prices
Old sturditoy, blue sturditoy, pink sturditoy, white
sturditoy, rare sturdtioy all sturditoy appraisals
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